Monday, December 16, 2019

7 Job Interview Mistakes to Avoid

7 Job Interview Mistakes to Avoid7 Job Interview Mistakes to Avoid22Congratulations Youve been asked to interview for the job. Youve followed directions, made a great first impression, and the company is interested in seeing if you are as good a fit for the position as they think you are. Lets be clear about something- they do think you are a good fit. There isnt an employer out there that has the time to interview candidates that havent been up to snuff. The flip side of this is that the competition can be fierce at this stage and it wont take much to take yourself out of the running.Here are seven job interview mistakes to avoidDont be late.Know the route for getting to your interview and how long it will take. Dont forget to factor in parking and getting to the actual office you are meeting at. Allow extra time in case something unforeseen happens to cause a delay. Finally, make aya you have a good phone number for the interviewer handy in case something completely out of your con trol occurs.Dont dress inappropriately.Its elend a night out with your friends, its a job interview. Be sure your clothes are professional, clean, and neat. Plan your outfit in advance- dont cause unnecessary stress by waiting to pull that suit out of the closet only to find a missing button or a stain you forgot about. Always have a plan B, just in case. Knowing what to wear on a job interview shows a professional commitment to your career.Dont wait to be on.Assume that the interview is starting the moment you hit the door of the building. Be professional and polite. Treat everyone you encounter with respect and a smile. You never know who is around and watching.Dont bring distractions.Resist the urge to bring in a bottle of water or a cup of coffee. The last thing you need is the risk of a spill, not to mention anything that takes your attention away from the conversation. And please, for the love of all that is a good job, silence your cell phone. Speaking of your phone, the dist raction issue is a particularly important consideration for acing a phone interview. Be sure all background noise is turned off and that you are in a space where you can completely focus.Dont talk too much (or too little).I know. This seems like a no-win, but really its simple. Answer the questions you are asked fully, but be careful to not repeat yourself or go on and on. One of the risks of talking too much is that you will say something you didnt intend to say. That being said, it is just as important to not be too brief in your responses. This will be perceived as a lack of interest or enthusiasm for the job.Dont be negative.Was the commute to the interview brutal? Did it feel like the world was working against you this morning? Keep it to yourself. Even joking about how bad your day is going is not a good way to start an interview. On that same note, dont badmouth previous jobs, bosses, or coworkers. Regardless of how much truth there might be in your complaints, it will not im press the interviewer.Dont be unprepared.Research the company and be prepared to talk about it and ask questions. Know your resume and come armed with specific examples that show you possess the skills that are on it. Come to the interview knowing your career goals and be able to discuss your plan. When you are truly prepared to talk to an employer about the company, the job, and the fact that you are a great fit for the role, it helps an interviewer feel confident about making an offer.Most of these tips basically come down to taking the interview seriously and putting in the effort to execute it successfully. Be on the lookout for resources that will help improve your interview skills.Be professional and meaningful in each step of the process and you are sure to land a great jobReaders, have you ever left a job interview feeling like you made a mistake? Share your job interview mistakes in the comments below

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